Saturday, November 3, 2012

The differences between US and my country

There are many differences between the US and my country. As I am come from different part of the world, the time is totally different. We are 12 hours apart. Food is also very different, Thai people have rice as a main part of each meal but US people do not. They instead having bread, chesse or fried. I sometime have pizzas or burgers at my country but here most people have it everyday. Chesses are not so popular for Thai people but it does here. The weather is one of the big different between my country and here. We never have snow, winter or even autume season. There are only two seasons in my home country; summer and rainy seasons. It is a scary weather especially when it is snow. Sometime the temperature is going below 0 celcus. Moreover, the culture here is different than Thai culture too. American family is small but in Thailand most of them are big. We like living together with grandparents, granddaughters or grandsons. Young American people after they are 18 or 20 usually they like to move out and live by their own. I would say Thai family are closer.

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